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Hey Tar Heels! This semester has been hard on all of us, and a lot of UNC-Chapel Hill students are figuring out how to separate their workspace from where they decompress. A few Carolina Social Influencers shared how they are navigating remote learning from their homes: 


Hunter surrounds his workspace with photos and mementos to help him stay motivated

Between my virtual internship with SAS and Zoom classes this semester, I spend a lot of time at my desk every day. In order to set myself up for success in this virtual working environment, I have a number of items on and around my desk. 

First, in order to motivate and inspire me, I have decorations surrounding my workspace: photos and mementos from my past travels, reminders of my high school in St. Louis and UNC, and pieces of art that I made during quarantine. These memories keep me motivated to push through these temporary virtual times. 

Second, I have a weekly planner on my desk to make sure I stay organized and to help me establish a sense of routine. 

Next, all my electronics: a monitor that helps with my internship, and even a small ring light so that people can see me through the Zoom camera.

Finally, a bottle of water so I don’t forget to hydrate!” – Hunter ’22



Alyssa sets up her workspace with an external monitor and makes sure to have her blue light glasses





At my workstation I have my external monitor, which has been so helpful for classes and also my job since I work from home! I also invested in some blue light glasses. These have been so helpful when I’m working on a computer all day.” – Alyssa ’22








Drew keeps his workspace neat and tidy




This is the desk in my room, where most of my school-related work gets done. To stay focused I use different things like taking care of my Venus Flytrap and keeping the space very tidy for quick distractions throughout the day to not get burnt out.” – Drew ’22





Taylor burns candles in her workspace to enhance her productivity




“When it comes to my study space, lighting plays a really big part. I always like to have dim lighting to set the mood to enhance my productivity. A good candle always does the trick, I even have the one that crackles like a fireplace! I also love having an energy drink or coffee by my side to keep me focused.” – Taylor ’22





Lizzy utilizes a folding desk to maximize the space in her bedroom


My room doesn’t have a ton of space in it, so I don’t have room for a big desk! I was doing all my homework and classes in my bed at the beginning of the school year, but quickly realized it was not working. So I worked to find a way to separate my work space from my rest space by investing in a foldable desk! That way when I’m done for the day, I can just fold the desk up and decompress.

I didn’t realize how important it was to separate my spaces until I talked to other students and heard what they had been doing! I keep little sticky notes on the top of my desk when I work to try and build up motivation. It’s been a hard semester, but I’m doing my best to make it work.” – Lizzy ’22





Remember, you’re not alone in this – we’re all doing our best to figure out how to navigate this new remote world. Reach out to someone you trust if you’re struggling, and check out these UNC-Chapel Hill resources for more helpful tips!


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